Our inspirations

Here you can find resources that inspire us most, created by practitioners with whom we work actively, and who shared their knowledge as part of the open research CCPT project.

Check our Library of Collective Practices to be inspired by other briliant methods developed in our community of practitioners!

Rehearsing the Revolution

By the Space Explorers.
Based in the Netherlands.

Rehearsing the Revolution is a collaborative storytelling game, in which we can experience reality from different perspectives and truths and discover what binds us. During the game we practice imagining a radical change, a revolution. The game is an immersive and activist art experience that brings together theatre, spoken word, experience design and visual arts.

The method was experienced during the first Agora of the CCPT project, and described in an article.
Read the article

We organized in Paris a three-day training facilitated by Petra Ardai and Jörgen Unom Gario.
Read about the Storytelling circle

Collective worldbuilding method

By Ketty Steward.
Based in France.

Ketty developed a method of collective worldbuidling, based on both her knowledge as a science fiction writer and as a psychologist. She creates and facilitates creative writing workshops, during which she shares her vision:

“Science fiction doesn’t predict the future. But the imagination that goes into creating it is a powerful tool that can help us dream and connect with our desires.”

The method was experienced during the fourth Agora of the CCPT project, and described in an article.
Read the article

The Creatures Framework

Based in the UK.

The CreaTures Framework is a resource developed by the three-year european project CreaTures, for creative practitioners, policy makers and funders, and researchers interested in the link between creative practice, eco-social change, and transformative futures.

It sets out how creative practices can stimulate action towards socially and ecologically sustainable futures. There are four curated paths through the Framework — Research, Policy, Creative Practice and Funding. Each of these offers a collection of resources charting the key concepts and terms, processes and tools for evaluation for various stages of creative practices.
Explore the framework

Lara Houston presented the Framework during the sixth Agora of the CCPT project.
See the Agora