Resources, tools, methods

Here you can find tools, methods, and resources created, experimented and openly shared by the U+ team.

These pages are useful for you if…

  • you have (or wish to develop) your own collective and creative practice and are looking for tools,
  • you are interested in this emerging field of practice and wish to grasp its methodological richness,
  • you are looking to understand more thoroughly the theoretical grounds of these kinds of practices, and explore the knowledge they develop.

The resources presented:

  • are of different nature: tools, methods, theoretical resources.
  • come from different fields of practice: Futures Literacy, worldbuilding, artistic methods (theater, fictional writing, worldbuilding…), speculative design, creative foresight…
  • have different levels of accessibility.

NB: Methods and practices are always situated: they were created in a context, for a public, for a purpose; by practitioners who care about their work and are often politically engaged through their practice. They can be used freely, adapted, but with two conditions:

  • Before using a tool, an idea, a resource, make sure you understand its initial purpose in order to adapt it properly.
  • Please cite the practitioners’ names / projects, to honour your source of inspiration and make their work more visible.