Collective Creative Practices for Transformation: library & book
CCPT is an open and collaborative research project that aims to gather practitioners, artists and researchers who participate in these kinds of practices in order to exchange ideas, discuss common issues, share methods, towards the delineation of an emerging field of practice.
In 2023 we published a book that gives an overview of the work that we’ve accomplished: identifying and collecting projects from all around the world, meeting with practitioners, creating spaces for experimentations and discussions, identifying problems and questioning biases, and analyzing our own practice in light of the lessons learned.
Through the project, we are building an online open library to gather collective projects & practices that use arts and fiction to enable real transformations. In this library you will find a lot of different practices that we find rich and useful, that share (most of the time) their own methods and resources.
The Future is Now: futures literacy for youth
“The Future is Now” aims to “Equip young people and the youth sector with futures literacy (tools, methods and practice) that allows them to imagine alternative futures and influence the present.” It is funded by Erasmus+, led by Youthwatch (Slovakia), BrusselAvenir (Belgium), and U+.
In 2023, we published collectively a booklet that explains how Futures literacy can be useful for young people: “Anticipation is also about agency, it is about acknowledging that our actions will result in shaping certain directions for ourselves as well as for our environment. In other words, when we take a decision, what assumptions are made about our (individual or collective) ability to change the course of the world ?”.
Stay tuned for the guidebook out in June 2024 presenting all sorts of FL methods to explore when running a workshop with youth!