The Future is Now: Futures Literacy for Youth

Between 2022 and 2024, “The Future is Now” experimented with methods to “Equip young people and the youth sector with futures literacy (tools, methods and practice) that allows them to imagine alternative futures and influence the present.” It is funded by Erasmus+, led by Youthwatch (Slovakia), BrusselAvenir (Belgium), and U+.

The project involved several groups of youngsters in Slovakia and Brussels, as well as people working in the “youth sector”, from institutions to NGOs.

It included several phases:

  • “Trend reports” originating from young people themselves, on what influences their lives and lifestyles;
  • Training a network of young people on Futures literacy, increasing their capacity to understand their and others’ relationship to the future, and to “use the future”;
  • Formalizing an open-source “Futures Literacy Toolbox” specifically designed with young people in mind;
  • Formalizing recommendations for the youth sector on participatory approaches to develop futures literacy among youngsters.