
Writever is a collective challenge to write a short microfiction, initiated in November, 2020. Based on the day’s word, each participant writes a tweet-length science fiction, fantasy or speculative text.

Initiated by SFF writer Ketty Steward, writever went from 15 participants in November, 2020 to close to 100 in March, 2021.

In Ketty’s words, the goal is “to make room within Twitter for bubbles or hope, art and imagination.”

In April 2021, the Plurality University Network took over the daily management of #writever, in cooperation with Ketty, and on this occasion, made #writever international.

  • @writeverb will contain texts written in French (#writever’s original language) and all other languages except English
  • @writeverj will contain texts written in English.
How to participate?

Every month, we will publish a list of the month’s word, prepared by or with a member of the #writever community. Just find the day’s word, write your text with or around it, insert the #writever tag and tweet. Using the #writever tag is the necessary and sufficient condition for your participation to be visible.

Ideally, group the month’s texts into one thread, where each story is seen as an “answer” to the previous one.

All the month’s stories will be visible in a single “event”, one for WriteverJ (English) and one for WriteverB (French and others).