En mai 2023, sous les auspices du Forum pour la finance durable, de l’OCDE et de l’Agence Française de Développement, 25 professionnel·les de la finance et de la prospective du monde entier ont pris part à une série d’ateliers de prospective créative pour inventer ensemble les futurs de la finance face au changement climatique. Les ateliers ont été facilités par trois artistes (Ketty Steward, Nadia Alter, Tim Reutemann).
“La Finance peut être un puissant levier pour une transformation juste et durable, en contribuant à aligner les intérêts de court terme et les objectifs de long terme. Mais la finance fait aussi partie du problème. Malgré des évolutions encourageantes, aujourd’hui, seule une petite fraction des capitaux et flux financiers peuvent être considérés comme compatibles avec les enjeux climatiques et les Objectifs du Développement Durable.
Comment les choses pourraient-elles changer ? À quoi ressemblerait un système financier vraiment soutenable ?
Il ne s’agit pas d’un changement technique. Les obstacles ne sont pas seulement extérieurs, mais aussi en nous, dans nos manières de penser et d’agir. La transformation nécessaire est de nature systémique, ce qui nécessite aussi d’imaginer comment le monde du futur sera différent. C’est précisément ce que fait la science-fiction. La science-fiction nous encourage à suspendre notre incrédulité vis-à-vis du changement et à libérer notre imagination. Et nous en avons besoin pour imaginer des changements systémiques radicaux.”

Ketty Steward
Born in 1976 in Martinique, Ketty Steward is clinical psychologist and a writer, with more than 40 science-fiction short stories published as well as poetry and stories outside the Sci Fi genre. Ketty Steward also gives conferences and courses, and has coordinated special issues of science-fiction magazines.

Nadia Alter
Swedish-Sudanese-Ethiopian Designer, engineer & entrepreneur. Currently building ClimateGains, a fintech solution for last mile climate climate solutions and their funders. Nadia Co-founded the Science Fiction Economics lab (scifiecon.org) as well as Edgeryders- the collective Intelligence Company (Edgeryders.org). Her work has been featured in Stanford Social Innovation Review, L’echo, La Repubblica, The New Yorker, Wired, Dazed, The Guardian, the Nation…

Tim Reutemann
Dr. Tim Reutemann is a researcher, practitioner and author on the intersection of climate justice and digital governance. He has rotated through various institutional roles in climate finance and carbon markets, leading to his current balancing act between UNDPs Digital Innovation Team and Climate Gains, the fin tech startup he co-founded together with Nadia last year. During a calmer period in his life, Tim published Liquid Reign, a speculative fiction novel set in 2051.

Ketty Steward
Born in 1976 in Martinique, Ketty Steward is clinical psychologist and a writer, with more than 40 science-fiction short stories published as well as poetry and stories outside the Sci Fi genre. Ketty Steward also gives conferences and courses, and has coordinated special issues of science-fiction magazines.

Nadia Alter
Swedish-Sudanese-Ethiopian Designer, engineer & entrepreneur. Currently building ClimateGains, a fintech solution for last mile climate climate solutions and their funders. Nadia Co-founded the Science Fiction Economics lab (scifiecon.org) as well as Edgeryders- the collective Intelligence Company (Edgeryders.org). Her work has been featured in Stanford Social Innovation Review, L’echo, La Repubblica, The New Yorker, Wired, Dazed, The Guardian, the Nation…

Tim Reutemann
Dr. Tim Reutemann is a researcher, practitioner and author on the intersection of climate justice and digital governance. He has rotated through various institutional roles in climate finance and carbon markets, leading to his current balancing act between UNDPs Digital Innovation Team and Climate Gains, the fin tech startup he co-founded together with Nadia last year. During a calmer period in his life, Tim published Liquid Reign, a speculative fiction novel set in 2051.